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Thursday, September 28, 2023

I am going to start blogging again. My life just got so busy that I forgot about this pleasant and interesting tool. A lot of water has gone under the bridge over the years (you know what I mean) with family and friends. Instead of dwelling on problems of the past, I am going to move on. Perhaps I will face some of those demons later.

Life is really interesting for me now. I am overweight a little, so am fasting while changing my diet (when I eat) to what a writer calls a keto-tarian diet. I was mostly a vegetarian, but more of a flexitarian at times (I ate salmon or a bite of my husband's chicken occasionally). I did the counting calories diet several years ago (with LoseIt!), and lost 30 pounds! But I did not know that the weight would gradually creep back on if you didn't continue to diligently count calories. I will share more about my diet and the sources where I got the information from later.

I just wanted to say HELLO again after so long an absense. I am keeping my former blogs so you can see some of the things that used to interest me. I hope you will drop in some time and say hello yourself, and tell me a little about you and yours.

Until my next blog, have a great October!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I posted this on Facebook to a friend, and thought it might be nice to post it also here. It's a nice story.

I love where my brother and sister-in-law live. Diamond Point, Washington, near Sequim. I visited them last year for a little over a month to have some quiet so I could work on my business. I had been sitting working on my computer for quite a while, and finally decided to take a walk (one of the three I took while visiting them) down their beach below their hill.

It was the afternoon, and I wasn't sure which direction I was going, but it would be nice to get some fresh air. I hiked down their hill and went west along their beach. It was so nice and quiet, with the ocean lapping the shore right next to me. I walked for quite a while nearing the point where a little cabin was in the near distance. I had seen a person in a canoe arrive there a short time before.

I wanted to hike that far and then around the point (probably 6 or so miles), but I realized daylight was waining, and I didn't know anything about the evening tide. So, I decided to turn around and started retracing my steps. I might come back earlier another day.

Shortly, however, I saw something rather alarming. A bunch of dog tracks... Coyotes, or worse, wolves. I didn't know that wolves were not necessarilly located in that region, but I didn't want to encounter wild dogs of any kind. If a pack came out of the woods, my only escape would be into the ocean just a few feet away. It was already November, and would have been very cold.

Not relishing the thought of hypothermia or a dog attack (I wasn't even thinking of bears or cougars), I quickened my pace. These kinds of thoughts put a damper on my walk, but brought me back to the reality of the world we live in. I realized I had been careless in my plans that afternoon. Safety is a prize worth hanging onto, whatever ones circumstances. I've often let curiosity get me into unpredictable situations. Here we go again... But then, I do have an active imagination.

Nevertheless, it was a great walk, and I didn't let the unpleasant thoughts affect the rest of my walk back. It will be a great memory, and I would like to do it again, but earlier in the day and with some company. Maybe one or two of my dogs... These are pics of our three dogs - a German Shepherd named Moriah, a Malamute named Koda, and a Golden Retriever named Dixie. Whoever gets to go will be a great companion. After all, it's just another adventure. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I just posted this on my Facebook wall. If anyone knows me, they know that I'm pretty level-headed. I have a playful spirit, but mostly I've got a serious nature. Anyway, here's the post:

I don't usually post this kind of thing, but feel this is important:

I'm wondering if anyone saw anything strange in the night sky last night over Kennewick, Washington? It was about 10 pm. My husband had gone to a business meeting, and then the store. He called me when he was almost home. We live up Clodfelter Road, about 1400 feet high.

He called and commanded excitedly a couple of times, "Go look outside. It's a UFO." He was driving southward up the hill.

I ran outside the front door (with the phone in my hand), turning off the front porch light prior. I looked up. Not seeing anything, I said "I don't see anything." "How can you miss it?!" he said. I was looking to the west. Turning to the east, I saw something going over the house. I said, "I see it. I'm going to the back porch."

I ran to the back porch (shutting off the light), and there in the night sky heading east, northeast, was a string of lights very high in the sky, but near enough to be observed like planes flying over. By saying it was a string, I mean that the lights (some blinking) were in a very straight line, at least 6 of them (maybe 8). They were going fast and the string stayed exactly straight, same distance apart, as if planes were following each other. There was another blinking light off to the side of them that was following along.

Did anyone else see this? Fred and I definitely saw this event. Let us know. Thanks.

I've understood UFOs and other phenomena as things that the enemy of man, Satan, can produce to deceive mankind or to lead him off into an area of study away from the safety of God's sheltering spirit. However, this sighting was very obvious, in the night sky, not that far up, and appearing like planes (although all we could see was lights or blinking lights).

It was a little creepy, but didn't last long. As I said, the string of lights was going fast. It did not appear to be weather balloons, gliders, or in outer space. It appeared like a string of planes flying at night. The weird thing was the very straight string, and the spacing. Very exact. Anyway, it was strange.

Bye for now.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Well, I'm headed to bed. I want to share something about my favorite writer, Terri Fivash. If you haven't read her books, you're just missing out! Her writing style is so up close and personal. Makes you feel like you're there with the character, living out the events of his/her life.

She writes Biblical narratives. Stories about real Bible characters. She really brings them to life, and you get a feel what their lives and times were like. You can learn more about her and her books at this website address:

I've read all her books, and can hardly wait for the next in a series called Dauveed. I haven't gotten excited about an author in years, and I feel so fortunate to have found her. Check out her books Joseph and the Dauveed series. They are my favorites!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You know, when I think about it, I do like to put my words down on paper, or typing as I'm doing now. I'm not as avid as some. They'll fill up journals with day to day, sometimes moment to moment ideas. I'm not that loyal. I don't think I could do the journals, but I certainly am all for expressing my thoughts by writing them down occasionally. I feel I express myself best in writing. I could get used to this...

I'm having a quiet afternoon. What a change. I know I should be working on my website (, but I'm enjoying not being controlled by it for the moment. I have enjoyed putting it together, but it's like anything: if you allow it to be "all consuming," it can feel like wearing a noose around your neck. And, I don't want that. I want to have the freedom to feel like I can get up anytime I please, and go do something else.

For instance, yesterday I went to a 10:00 a.m. movie with Sarah. We saw Chipwrecked, the chipmunk movie. You know: Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Dave, and some cute girl chipmunks. It was so cute! And Sarah and I had fun being together. Mommy and daughter (they probably expected more younger mommies and children to show up - but they didn't specify!). :)

I get so wrapped up in my own stuff, that I forget I have loved ones out there who enjoy my company. Who like to visit with me. It's a pleasure to be loved, and to love. Let me always remember to love people, and use things, and not the other way around. Have you loved someone today!

God bless!
Today, I was on Facebook, and listened to a TED TALK. I liked it and commented on it, and a friend deleted it because she was afraid it would "offend someone." Here's my reply to her, and anyone else who cares about the freedoms we enjoy in this country:

If I was worried about being politically correct, or being popular, or not offending someone, I wouldn't do Facebook. I would poke my head under the sand and stay there for indefinite periods. I would certainly NEVER attempt to witness to others of another faith, and share my views about religion. And I wouldn't stand up for the Constitution of the United States! Remember the first amendment?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Because I'm not worried about what others are going to think as they judge my words, I will do what God has asked me to do, and that is to share what I believe with others, thereby bringing many to His fold. If someone is offended by my words, perhaps something they've said or believe offends me. I'm not discouraging them from believing what they choose to believe, and I'm not going to take away their right to say how they feel. I'm not their judge. Let their words be heard, and let God be our judge.

We can't please everyone all the time anyway. And why should we try? That would be living a lie, a false life. I want to be me, to be real. Are you courageous? Or just following the lead of others, and sticking your head in the sand, afraid to speak out about what you believe?

I say, be courageous. Do something, say something, and be your own person. We are not created in the image of others, but in the image of God. I want to say like Elijah, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow Him." (1 Kings 18:21)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hi All!

Well, this is my first post. I'm just going to give it a kick start. My friends and family will tell you I can be awnry (I don't think I am...) and funny, serious and sad, newsy and thoughtful. It really depends on how my week has been going. No, I'm not bipolar. Just have emotions that erupt every so often because of life's stresses. I don't usually cry, but I can be awfully down-in-the-mouth at times. I don't ever get nasty; I don't like bad words. And, I don't cry very often; I did that when I needed to. Don't have much need lately. That's all water under the bridge anyway...

Sometimes, life can just be too serious, and I don't like to stay there. I have to come back to the sunshine. I hope you're having a wonderful day like I am. I've spent almost 5 1/2 hours on my business ( today, and feel I've accomplished something considerable. Still much to do before my site is up and working properly... Will keep at it.

Thank you "cat" for not getting too deep into your "heat" today. And thank you sunshine for helping my day to seem so much rosier. Until next time...


"Seven prayerless days make one weak."  -- Author unknown